Thursday, April 30, 2009

And, just because

I watched the last half of "The Price is Right" this morning. This is what happens when you get up at 4am--by 11:30 you're ready for a beer and some baseball. Instead, I had seltzer and "The Price is Right". But I digress. In the showcase showdown, Scott made off with some drab Armani, the most pedestrian-looking Gucci luggage available, and a trip to Milan with personal-shopper tour of the fashion houses (and $500 to spend--maybe he can get some shoelaces). There was a semester in college when my schedule was arranged perfectly to allow me to watch TPR every day. I was there for the 5,000th episode, where every prize was a car.

In any event, watching television at 11:45am (and, really, television at all) often exposes a fellow to some bizarre things. I assume the network figures its demographic at this time to be elderly and/or infirm or generally insane/desperate, because nearly every advertisement was for some sort of medicine/medical product/hoodoo claptrap that Will Make Your Life Better. During one commercial break, there was an ad for Singulair, powered chair-scooter things (Medicare May Cover The Cost!!), and yogurt with "clinically-proven" poop-makin' mojo (don't even get me started). But, at the end of the break, there was an ad for Manwich. It featured a variety of people, shot in closeup, eating Manwiches and generally boogying to some cheesy music. At no time did this ad suggest that Manwich would Make Your Life Better. Manwich: It's Just Meat in a Can. It made me smile. What does it mean when this is a breath of fresh air?

And, just because, here's a sloppy joe on a Krispy Kreme.

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