Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Further enumeration

Five things I won't miss about Boston
  1. The Boston Redevelopment Authority. Hey, I've got a great idea! Let's turn over the authority to accept or reject any land-use decisions throughout the city to a shadowy cabal of unelected unaccountable rich people!
  2. Leaving Trash in the Street (aka saving "your" parking space). If you wake up in the morning and spend half an hour digging out your car, I believe you should be able to return to that space, or one equivalent, that evening. If it's four days later, you haven't touched the shovel since that snowstorm, and you're still putting a trash can out in the street to save "your" space, you're just childish and arrogant. There's a woman here on Halifax Street who leaves a trash can in "her" parking space year-round.
  3. The Moat Effect. I've lived on both sides of the Charles River, and have noticed the strange effect it has on people, particularly people living in Cambridge/Somerville (or, as I like to call it, NoCha). For some reason, crossing the Charles for recreational reasons is extremely trying. I know people who have lived in Cambridge for ten years and have never been to, say, the Leather District. Or think that Mission Hill is somewhere in Bermuda. Bizzare.
  4. The BU Bridge. Vortex of Misery. Possibly responsible for the Moat Effect.
  5. Housing Prices! This one gets an exclamation point because it's a huge part of why Laura and I are leaving. That's right, Boston! Two more young, educated people are leaving the city because of the stupid cost of living! We're even planning to start a business! Yeah, hear that? We're going to be creating jobs, but not here! Go to hell, crummy $995 studio in Allston. Screw you, $2,500 two-bed in Huron Village!

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