Sunday, March 15, 2009

A bit of earth

My friends, welcome to my garden. The owners of empty lot across the street from our apartment lease plots to the neighbors, and I was lucky enough to get one. This plot is about 9' x 5' oriented generally East-West, and, aside from a few strawberries along the Western edge, currently uninhabited (save for the zillions of friendly insects and microbes). With Laura's help, and a bit of luck, I will grow things here... and eat them.

This will be my first attempt to garden--indeed, to grow anything aside from some spider plants and one hardy yucca tree. It is safe to say that I know exactly nothing about gardening. Laura and I received two books about this subject for our wedding: "The Urban Homestead", which, though it covers many fascinating things aside from gardening, is a great book and sparked my interest in growing my own food, and "Gardening at the Dragon's Gate" which I have just begun reading and so far is fascinating and terrifying (in that "oh my lord I have no idea about anything" way). I'd like to get my hands on a more basic gardening book at some point. But still, it's very exciting. Laura and I have already started strategizing about what we want to plant and, more perplexingly, when.

I look forward to an educational season. First step: get my hands on a truckload of horse-poop compost. Then: bean teepee.

1 comment:

  1. I sure do miss gardening. I used to have a little plot in the cities p-patch program. These days I'm not physically up to gardening, and unfortunately devin seems to hate it something fierce! I am going to try a little bit of container gardening in our very shady, tiny townhouse lot. Maybe some spinach and greens.
